Happy new year everyone! I can't believe how fast 2013 flew by despite all of the things that happened throughout the year. I got married in March to my high school sweetheart (yay!) and started a little family by getting a small poodle. In addition to that, LTF also came out with its first CD. I don't know where to begin because this last year was full of so many ups and downs, but one thing for sure is that I have learned to trust in God and His plan for me. In a nutshell, I am going to explain what 2013 was like, and it begins with me introducing my husband to you: His name is Ethan, and he knew since he was 16 that he wanted to become a doctor. Between working numerous jobs and studying Physiology, he had to make time for me, and was applying for medical school for the second time. Although I wasn't the one applying for medical school, I could feel the stress and the weight the uncertainty played in our marriage. The application process was long, and we had no clue what would happen in the future. However, I knew to some degree that whether he gets in is all part of God's plan. Time went on, and summer came but there were still no good news. Finally in July when we had thought we would have to wait a whole other year again, we received a phone call from Trinity Medical School, which is located in St. Vincent in the Grenadines. Ethan had been accepted, and was awarded a scholarship. It was great news, but to be completely honest, my heart sank. The Caribbean?! I did not know what to say back to him. Immediately, doubts flooded my mind and uncertainty took over. Could I go with him? If I do, then no one will be making an income over there. But at the same time, I should go since it is my job as a wife. It was awful. I felt like God was making fun of me, and purposely making me confused. Wasn't it Him who allowed me to get my current job after months of prayer and submission? Wasn't it Him who gave me this opportunity in the first place? If so, then why am I facing this situation? In the end and after a long time of praying and seeking an answer, we decided that I should stay behind. To be completely honest, I am not 100% sure that I made the right decision because it is extremely hard to be apart from my husband. We just got married and less than 6 months later was apart. Ethan will be there for 2 years before coming back to the United States for hospital rotations, and during that time I will remain in the United States to work and earn my Masters. Before his departure, there were so many nights where I felt so lost that I couldn't sleep, and would go to the bathroom, kneel, and pray while crying...yet despite that, I felt a side of God that I never knew before. He truly became my comforter, and after praying I would always feel better. It was also in these moments that melodies and lyrics came to me, and the words of the song that I wrote in that moment was able to bring me comfort in the months that followed. There is power in God, and He gives us that power when we are feeling down. I will admit that I still get teary whenever I dwell too much on the fact that Ethan and I are apart, but I also know that everything will be ok. Despite being miles and miles apart, we still pray with each other through Skype or Facetime every night, share about our devotions, and give support to each other when we are feeling overwhelmed. God is with both of us, and is teaching us a lesson through this experience. Do I encourage husbands and wives being separated? Of course not. However, if there are times that these kinds of situations arise, remember to trust in Him and lean on Him. He won't waver or let you fall.