Last week, I came home from New York City on a school trip. The last day I was there, I had visited Columbia University with a few friends because we had all applied to Columbia, and wanted to see the campus. A friend currently attending Columbia graciously gave us an hour of her free time (she was on spring break) to give us a tour, motioning to all of the grand architecture and specific buildings around us. While she told us about her dorm, her classes, and her new education at Columbia, I couldn’t help but be reminded that I would be making some pretty big decisions about college really soon—in fact, I hear back from colleges this week! Recently, I’ve been more nervous about my college decisions coming back to me, simply because it’s getting closer to the time that they’re supposed to come out. Each time I find myself saying, “I hope I get in,” “I wonder what my parents and friends will think if I don’t get in to this college,” or “it’s more likely that I’ll get into that college.” Waiting for college decisions became a guessing game to me, but then God reminded me: He already knows where I’ll end up. My absolute favorite Bible verse (which I also have as my senior quote) is Jeremiah 29:11. “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” If God truly knows my future and has already planned out what He knows will give me a beautiful future and everlasting hope, shouldn’t I not worry about which college accepts me and which one doesn’t? Starting today, I am waiting for college decisions not because I’ll have to figure out on my own which college I’ll be attending this fall, but because I want to figure out where God already has planned for me to be this fall! With faith in God’s promise, waiting for college decisions seems a lot more exciting to me! Praise God that He loves me so much to keep me in His hands all the time!


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